Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance on business support grant funding

Trying to keep a business going in these difficult times?

Information from East Cambridgeshire District Council about Covid19 support for businesses is available at

Meanwhile this guidance from HMG sets out details and eligibility criteria for:

  • the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF)
  • the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF)

It informs local authorities about the operation and delivery of the two funding schemes.

Recent Planning Applications

The following planning applications in the Bottisham ward have been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council.



1 College Close Bottisham Cambridge CB25 9DP

Proposal: Single storey pitched roof extension



The Anchor 61 High Street Bottisham Cambridge CB25 9BA

Proposal: T1 Apple (Maple sp) – Reduce crown by approximately 1m removing regrowth and thin remaining crown by up to 20%



6 Trinity Close Bottisham Cambridge CB25 9DE

Proposal: Single storey rear extension to form new family room and kitchen

The following planning applications close to the Bottisham ward have been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council.


Burrough Green

Pembroke Farmhouse Bradley Road Burrough Green Newmarket Suffolk

Proposal: T1 Cherry – reduce crown by up to 30%


Burrough Green

Pembroke Farmhouse Bradley Road Burrough Green Newmarket Suffolk

Proposal: T1 – Willow – Crown lift to 12ft (3.5m) to allow vehicles to pass under it

T2 – Ash – Remove due to its proximity to fence and oil tank

H1 Beech Hedge – Reduce back to 2.5m to reinstate it as a formal hedge



Land West Of 56 Low Road Burwell

Proposal: Proposed 8 no. dwellings and new access road



Site North Of The Stables Factory Road Burwell

Proposal: To discharge Conditions 6 (Foul and surface water), 8 (Soft Landscaping) and 9 (Boundary

Treatments) of decision dated 24.01.2019 for Resubmission of previously approved 18/01061/FUL

for the demolition of a modern steel framed barn and replacing on the same footprint with a private detached dwelling

Coordinating Volunteers

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough COVID-19 Coordination Hub
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough COVID-19 Co-ordination Hub has had a fantastic response from parishes, voluntary and community groups about the support they are offering. Groups are now being asked to register and record the details of the help they are offering, the number of volunteers available, and one set of contact details for a co-ordinated response, that people can use to reach the group, stating clearly the area (e.g. ward, village or specific streets) covered.

If you are in Peterborough: Please register on the Peterborough Information Network here.

If you are in Cambridgeshire: Go to the Cambridgeshire Online Directory page here. You will then need to create an account by signing up (top right-hand corner) and then once your account is activated:
Click the ‘Create a listing’ button
Enter your listing name, city/town/village, and reference Covid-19
Fill in key information – including street names if you are only covering a specific area, and end with the number of volunteers available (this can be updated later)
Tick up to 3 in the Category/subject listing, whichever you feel best suits
Important: To fill in the ‘tags, groups and similar services’ section start to type ‘Covid-19’ and select the tag from the dropdown when it appears
Fill in the age bracket
Fill in Contact details you want people to use to contact your group with the full address for websites and Facebook, starting with https:// by copying the link copy the link from the page. This will be displayed to the public.
You do not need to fill in Eligibility, Referral or Facilities and Equipment, unless you have something to share.If you have any queries about registering, please email

Calling all Volunteers to help combat Covid – 19

NHS Volunteer Responders
The NHS is “rallying the troops” for the war on coronavirus, with volunteers being called up to help vulnerable people stay safe and well at home. They are looking for up to 250,000 volunteers to help up to 1.5 million people who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of underlying health conditions. You can sign up quickly and easily at to become NHS Volunteer Responders, and will be called on to do simple but vital tasks such as:
delivering medicines from pharmacies;
driving patients to appointments;
bringing them home from hospital;
or making regular phone calls to check on people isolating at home.
NHS Volunteer Responders is not intended to replace local groups helping their vulnerable neighbours but is an additional service provided by the NHS.


Covid-19 Latest Advice

Read the government advice at –

Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has either:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough

Even if you are not ill, please remain at home unless you absolutely need to go out. We all have a responsibility to stop the spread of this virus, so unless you are 100% certain that your journey is essential, please stay at home.

If you must go out, please wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as soon as you return home.

Clearly, you should go to work if you are providing essential services – NHS, Social Care, school staff, food supply chain, power supply etc.

If you are not providing an essential service you should work from home. If you really can’t work from home then talk remotely to your employer – remember they can reclaim 80% of your salary if you can’t work.

I realise this is much harder for the self-employed, but please follow the same rules. It is clear that the government will have to put some financial support in place for self-employed people.

As far as possible, get your shopping delivered and maintain your social distance. If you have to go out to buy food or medicine plan ahead and go shopping no more than once a week.

If you need help, phone one of the people offering help in your village or phone me on 07976 607512.

Do not socialise other than remotely.

Do keep exercising – we can go outside once a day as long as we are only with people from our household. Avoid narrow paths, so that if you meet someone you can pass each other with a 2m gap.

Do support your neighbours – let them know, remotely, when you plan to shop or are ordering a delivery to see if they want anything.

Do use phones and on-line systems to keep in touch.  Its important that we keep communicating.

Please let’s do all we can to keep our communities safe and well.

Recent planning applications

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ECDC-building-small-300x182.jpg

The following planning application in the Bottisham ward has been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council.


Swaffham Prior

73 High Street, Swaffham Prior, Cambridge, CB25 0LD

T1 Spruce – fell

T2 Monterey Cypress – fell

Reasons – damage to clunch wall and footpath by buttress roots. Risk of failures associated with species. Willing to re-plant alternatives.

Further information can be found on the district council’s planning pages. If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, comments should be addressed to the district council and not to me.  Comments may be made

  • online using the council’s public access web page (the link above);
  • by email to;
  • or by post to the Planning Department, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

East Cambs District Council Covid-19 Arrangements

East Cambs District Council, working with Cambridgeshire County Council as the lead authority of the Local Resilience Forum, is stepping up its response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to safeguard the wellbeing of residents, staff, and members.  The Council is taking a number of steps to support residents and keep its services operating.

The Council’s community hubs, which offer advice and support on a huge range of issues, will operate over the telephone, with new phone lines open for residents.  Alongside this, the homeless prevention and support service continues to run and anyone concerned about a rough sleeper, or people who find themselves getting into financial difficulty with rent or mortgage payments should get in touch.

Planning and licensing services will continue as normal, waste collections also continue as normal. If you are self-isolating, personal waste (such as used tissues) and disposable cleaning cloths can be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags. These bags should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin.

The Council is gearing up to implement rebilling of business rates to reflect the new discounts announced by the Chancellor, and implementation of the business hardship fund to ensure it gets to the people that need it quickly.

To limit face-to-face interaction, East Cambs have made the decision to cancel all council meetings and committees until the end of May.

In line with national guidelines set out by the Government and Public Health England (PHE), East Cambridgeshire District Council have shut their reception in Ely for the foreseeable future to end the risk posed by face to face contact between members of the public and staff. 

Alternative methods of contact have been put in place to ensure that service levels are maintained throughout the reception closure.

Office hours will remain the same and services can be accessed from 08:45-17:00 Monday to Thursday and 08:45-16:00 on Fridays.

Contact numbers for services:

For all Council service enquiries other than Housing Benefit or Council Tax, please call 01353 665 555 or email

Out of hours emergencies: 07710 978 900

Homelessness & Housing advice: 01353 665 555

Community Advice and Support: 07717 498 707 or 07517 996 118

Council tax enquiries: 01842 756 569

Housing benefit and council tax reduction enquiries: 01842 756 566

Housing benefit overpayment enquiries: 01842 756 569

Business rates enquires: 01842 756 568

You can report, pay and apply for Council services online at

Recent planning applications

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ECDC-building-small-300x182.jpg

The following planning applications in the Bottisham ward have been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council.



6 Cedar Walk Bottisham Cambridge CB25 9BJ

Proposed construction of ground floor rear extension, first floor extension and new entrance porch to front


Swaffham Prior              

4 Cage Hill Swaffham Prior Cambridge CB25 0JS

First floor side extension.

Further information can be found on the district council’s planning pages. If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, comments should be addressed to the district council and not to me.  Comments may be made

  • online using the council’s public access web page (the link above);
  • by email to;
  • or by post to the Planning Department, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

CAM Metro consultation opens – but East Cambs is overlooked again

East Cambridgeshire is being overlooked again when it comes to major transport initiatives into and around Cambridge.

A public consultation has just been launched by Mayor Palmer’s Combined Authority on the CAM Metro proposal.

In addition to the consultation pages on the Combined Authority website, six public exhibitions will be taking place, along with six ‘information points’ in various locations.

Not a single one of these events is in East Cambridgeshire, despite the large numbers of East Cambs residents who travel into Cambridge for work, study or leisure.

Many East Cambridgeshire residents would love to have access to regular, reliable, and affordable public transport into Cambridge. Practical and flexible alternatives to the car which don’t place added pressure on the rail network are essential if we’re to tackle climate change, air quality, and congestion.

It’s therefore deeply disappointing that our district is being completely cut out of this conversation, when residents in Huntingdon, St Neots, Bury St Edmunds and Haverhill are all included.

Local Conservatives need to stop paying lip service to alternatives to the car, and start ensuring East Cambridgeshire residents are included in plans for CAM Metro.

  • The online consultation is here and runs until Friday 3 April.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For accurate and up-to-date information about coronavirus (COVID-19), check regularly on the government web page here. This is being updated daily.

For information about how to protect yourself and others from contracting coronavirus, useful information from the World Health Organisation can be found here. In summary:

  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
  • Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
  • Stay at home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.
  • Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority, or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

If you have reason to suspect you may have coronavirus do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Ring 111 instead for advice.