Coordinating Volunteers

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough COVID-19 Coordination Hub
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough COVID-19 Co-ordination Hub has had a fantastic response from parishes, voluntary and community groups about the support they are offering. Groups are now being asked to register and record the details of the help they are offering, the number of volunteers available, and one set of contact details for a co-ordinated response, that people can use to reach the group, stating clearly the area (e.g. ward, village or specific streets) covered.

If you are in Peterborough: Please register on the Peterborough Information Network here.

If you are in Cambridgeshire: Go to the Cambridgeshire Online Directory page here. You will then need to create an account by signing up (top right-hand corner) and then once your account is activated:
Click the ‘Create a listing’ button
Enter your listing name, city/town/village, and reference Covid-19
Fill in key information – including street names if you are only covering a specific area, and end with the number of volunteers available (this can be updated later)
Tick up to 3 in the Category/subject listing, whichever you feel best suits
Important: To fill in the ‘tags, groups and similar services’ section start to type ‘Covid-19’ and select the tag from the dropdown when it appears
Fill in the age bracket
Fill in Contact details you want people to use to contact your group with the full address for websites and Facebook, starting with https:// by copying the link copy the link from the page. This will be displayed to the public.
You do not need to fill in Eligibility, Referral or Facilities and Equipment, unless you have something to share.If you have any queries about registering, please email

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