Covid-19 Latest Advice

Read the government advice at –

Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has either:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough

Even if you are not ill, please remain at home unless you absolutely need to go out. We all have a responsibility to stop the spread of this virus, so unless you are 100% certain that your journey is essential, please stay at home.

If you must go out, please wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as soon as you return home.

Clearly, you should go to work if you are providing essential services – NHS, Social Care, school staff, food supply chain, power supply etc.

If you are not providing an essential service you should work from home. If you really can’t work from home then talk remotely to your employer – remember they can reclaim 80% of your salary if you can’t work.

I realise this is much harder for the self-employed, but please follow the same rules. It is clear that the government will have to put some financial support in place for self-employed people.

As far as possible, get your shopping delivered and maintain your social distance. If you have to go out to buy food or medicine plan ahead and go shopping no more than once a week.

If you need help, phone one of the people offering help in your village or phone me on 07976 607512.

Do not socialise other than remotely.

Do keep exercising – we can go outside once a day as long as we are only with people from our household. Avoid narrow paths, so that if you meet someone you can pass each other with a 2m gap.

Do support your neighbours – let them know, remotely, when you plan to shop or are ordering a delivery to see if they want anything.

Do use phones and on-line systems to keep in touch.  Its important that we keep communicating.

Please let’s do all we can to keep our communities safe and well.

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