CAM Metro consultation opens – but East Cambs is overlooked again

East Cambridgeshire is being overlooked again when it comes to major transport initiatives into and around Cambridge.

A public consultation has just been launched by Mayor Palmer’s Combined Authority on the CAM Metro proposal.

In addition to the consultation pages on the Combined Authority website, six public exhibitions will be taking place, along with six ‘information points’ in various locations.

Not a single one of these events is in East Cambridgeshire, despite the large numbers of East Cambs residents who travel into Cambridge for work, study or leisure.

Many East Cambridgeshire residents would love to have access to regular, reliable, and affordable public transport into Cambridge. Practical and flexible alternatives to the car which don’t place added pressure on the rail network are essential if we’re to tackle climate change, air quality, and congestion.

It’s therefore deeply disappointing that our district is being completely cut out of this conversation, when residents in Huntingdon, St Neots, Bury St Edmunds and Haverhill are all included.

Local Conservatives need to stop paying lip service to alternatives to the car, and start ensuring East Cambridgeshire residents are included in plans for CAM Metro.

  • The online consultation is here and runs until Friday 3 April.

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