The following planning application in or near the Bottisham ward have been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council

Reference: 20/01587/TRE           


Stocks 76-78 High Street Bottisham Ely CB25 9BA

Proposal:             T1 Yew Tree – Reduce height by 50% and re-shape accordingly.

T2 Holly Tree – Reduce height by 50% and re-shape accordingly.

Both trees are very close to the back of the property and are taller than the adjacent part of the house: they also create an excessive amount of shade in the garden affecting the growth of the grass and plants beneath

Reference: 17/02205/DISE         


Land North West Of Electricity Sub-Station Weirs Drove Burwell 

Proposal:             To discharge Condition 4 (Archaeology) of decision 17/02205/FUL dated 5 April 2018 for Development of a 49.9MW battery storage facility, bridge and associated infrastructure

Reference: 17/02205/DISF         


Land North West Of Electricity Sub-Station Weirs Drove Burwell 

Proposal:             To discharge Condition 19 (Scheme to provide secondary containment for battery storage containers) of decision 17/02205/FUL dated 5 April 2018 for Development of a 49.9MW battery storage facility, bridge and associated infrastructure

Reference: 17/02205/DISG        


Land North West of Electricity Sub-Station Weirs Drove Burwell 

Proposal:             To discharge Condition 3 (Surface Water) of decision 17/02205/FUL dated 5 April 2018 for Development of a 49.9MW battery storage facility, bridge and associated infrastructure

Reference: 20/01645/VAR          


Land North West Of Electricity Sub-Station Weirs Drove Burwell 

Proposal:             Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) of previously approved 17/02205/FUL for Development of a 49.9MW battery storage facility, bridge and associated infrastructure

Reference: 20/01575/FUL           


Site Southwest Of Hill Farm Fair Green Reach 

Proposal:             Erection of general purpose agricultural building and associated infrastructure (retrospective)

Reference: 20/01522/TRE           

Swaffham Bulbeck

Bowyers Cottage 72 Commercial End Swaffham Bulbeck Cambridge CB25 0NE

Proposal:             T1 Walnut – Remove due to proximity to property

Reference: 20/01633/OUM        

Swaffham Prior

Land Rear Of 69 High Street Swaffham Prior 

Proposal:             Construction of 28 dwellings and provision of access

Reference: 20/01646/CLP           

Swaffham Prior

1 Orchard Close Swaffham Prior Cambridge CB25 0DX

Proposal:             Single storey rear extension forming kitchen/ dining area and enlarging existing utility

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