Recycling Centres Expected to Open Next Week

Plans are being put in place with the hope of reopening all nine of Cambridgeshire’s Household Recycling Centres from next Monday 11 May.

The focus will be on safety for residents and staff, including social distancing, and the plans have been put together with Public Health England. Each recycling centre will have a detailed traffic management plan, drawn up with Skanska and in consultation with the police.

Further details will be provided later this week about what items each centre will take. Some of the key conditions of opening will include:

  • A limit to vehicle numbers on site, like the limits on customers in supermarkets
  • No more than two adults to be allowed to unload any one vehicle
  • No staff assistance to unload vehicles
  • No vans or trailers that require a permit.

It is advised that journeys to Household Recycling Centres should only be undertaken if waste or recycling cannot be stored at home without risking injury or harm.

People must not visit the recycling centres if they are suffering from Covid-19 symptoms, have anyone in their household suffering the symptoms, or have been diagnosed as having the virus.

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