The following planning application in or near the Bottisham ward have been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council

Reference: 20/01587/TRE           


Stocks 76-78 High Street Bottisham Ely CB25 9BA

Proposal:             T1 Yew Tree – Reduce height by 50% and re-shape accordingly.

T2 Holly Tree – Reduce height by 50% and re-shape accordingly.

Both trees are very close to the back of the property and are taller than the adjacent part of the house: they also create an excessive amount of shade in the garden affecting the growth of the grass and plants beneath

Reference: 17/02205/DISE         


Land North West Of Electricity Sub-Station Weirs Drove Burwell 

Proposal:             To discharge Condition 4 (Archaeology) of decision 17/02205/FUL dated 5 April 2018 for Development of a 49.9MW battery storage facility, bridge and associated infrastructure

Reference: 17/02205/DISF         


Land North West Of Electricity Sub-Station Weirs Drove Burwell 

Proposal:             To discharge Condition 19 (Scheme to provide secondary containment for battery storage containers) of decision 17/02205/FUL dated 5 April 2018 for Development of a 49.9MW battery storage facility, bridge and associated infrastructure

Reference: 17/02205/DISG        


Land North West of Electricity Sub-Station Weirs Drove Burwell 

Proposal:             To discharge Condition 3 (Surface Water) of decision 17/02205/FUL dated 5 April 2018 for Development of a 49.9MW battery storage facility, bridge and associated infrastructure

Reference: 20/01645/VAR          


Land North West Of Electricity Sub-Station Weirs Drove Burwell 

Proposal:             Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) of previously approved 17/02205/FUL for Development of a 49.9MW battery storage facility, bridge and associated infrastructure

Reference: 20/01575/FUL           


Site Southwest Of Hill Farm Fair Green Reach 

Proposal:             Erection of general purpose agricultural building and associated infrastructure (retrospective)

Reference: 20/01522/TRE           

Swaffham Bulbeck

Bowyers Cottage 72 Commercial End Swaffham Bulbeck Cambridge CB25 0NE

Proposal:             T1 Walnut – Remove due to proximity to property

Reference: 20/01633/OUM        

Swaffham Prior

Land Rear Of 69 High Street Swaffham Prior 

Proposal:             Construction of 28 dwellings and provision of access

Reference: 20/01646/CLP           

Swaffham Prior

1 Orchard Close Swaffham Prior Cambridge CB25 0DX

Proposal:             Single storey rear extension forming kitchen/ dining area and enlarging existing utility

Bus pass time changes in Cambridgeshire

If you live in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough and have a bus pass, the times you can use it will change from next week.

At the start of the lockdown in March, both Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council worked with operators to allow concessionary bus passes to be used before 9:30AM. This meant bus pass holders were able to get to supermarkets early, and older residents were able to take advantage of the the reserved shopping slots offered to them at the time.

However, many more businesses will be reopening on 15 June. With more people likely to be using the buses, which are fewer than they were before the pandemic, along with the need to maintain social distancing, bus operators will no longer accept concessionary passes before 9:30AM from Monday 15 June onwards.

In addition, wearing face masks on public transport will become compulsory from Monday 15 June. Further details are on the Government’s website.

Widen My Path

Where should the Council make more space for walking & cycling, for physical distancing?

CycleStreets, a not-for-profit social enterprise based in Cambridge, has created an interactive map for residents to suggest where safer provision for cyclists and pedestrians is needed. You can add your own idea for your village or a nearby village or town, or upvote an existing idea.

I’ll be encouraging the Council to consider these suggestions, as well as the results of its own recent bus, cycling, and walking surveys.

Widen My Path is at

The following planning application in the Bottisham ward has been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council

Reference: 20/00057/DISA         

Swaffham Bulbeck

9 Station Road Swaffham Bulbeck Cambridge CB25 0NB

Proposal:             To discharge Condition 4 (Details of fence boarding) of decision 20/00057/FUL dated 5 March 2020 for demolition of single storey garage extension and replacement with two storey side extension

COVID-19 track and trace: be alert for scams

Scammers are already on the prowl purporting to be from the forthcoming Track & Trace system, and trying to part people from their money or personal data.

In some cases they are calling people saying that they’ve been in contact with someone with COVID-19 symptoms, and need to pay a large amount of money for a test by giving their credit card details over the phone.

A message will be going out to Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Against Scams Partnership (CAPASP), supporters, No Cold Calling Zone coordinators, and on social media to warn about this and with advice to avoid becoming a victim.


  • The genuine Track & Trace is free of charge.
  • Look out for these coronavirus scams (from Martin Lewis’s Money Saving Expert web site).

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jenny Harries raised eyebrows a few days ago when she claimed that it would be obvious that calls would be from the official Track & Trace operation because they would sound ‘professional’.

Scammers are professionals too, and very skilled at what they do.

The following planning applications in the Bottisham ward have been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council

Reference: 20/00488/FUL           


43 Beechwood Avenue Bottisham Cambridge CB25 9BG

Proposal:             Single storey front extension

Reference: 20/00588/RMA        


Land Opposite 20 Burwell Road Reach 


Proposal:             Reserved matter of appearance for erection of 3 dwellings

Applications open on Monday for new business grant

East Cambridgeshire District Council will be launching its discretionary funding scheme from Monday 1 June for businesses and charities unable to access other COVID-19 grant funding.

Applications for the Local Authority Discretionary Grant Fund open from 12:00 noon on Monday and the Council is urging businesses to check their eligibility and apply as soon as possible as funding is limited.

The deadline for applications for the fund is Tuesday 30 June 2020.

An additional limited fund of £828,000 has been made available to the Council by central Government to support small businesses and charities who have not been eligible for previous grants provided during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Local Authority Discretionary Fund will prioritise the following four types of businesses:

  1. Small businesses in shared offices or other flexible workspaces which do not have their own business rates assessment. e.g. units in industrial parks, science parks and incubators
  2. Regular market traders on East Cambridgeshire Market with fixed building costs, such as rent, who do not have their own business rates assessment
  3. Bed and Breakfasts which pay Council Tax instead of business rates
  4. Charity properties in receipt of charitable business rates relief which would otherwise have been eligible for Small Business Rates Relief or Rural Rate Relief.

Businesses must meet all the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Have relatively high ongoing fixed property related costs
  • Occupy property, or part of a property, with a rateable value or annual rent or annual mortgage payments below £51,000.
  • Can demonstrate that they have suffered a significant fall in income due to the COVID-19 crisis
  • Have fewer than 50 employees
  • Have been trading on or before 11 March 2020.

Businesses who are eligible for the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme are also eligible to apply for the Local Authority Discretionary Fund.

Who is not eligible?

Businesses which are eligible for cash grants from any other central government COVID-19 related scheme are not eligible for the Local Authority Discretionary Fund.

If you believe you are eligible for one of the other grant schemes and have not yet been in touch, please contact the Council at or by telephone on 01353 665555.

Apply online by visiting: The Council will pay the grant as soon as a successful application is received and verified.

More information about the eligibility criteria for the Local Authority Discretionary Grant Fund can be found at

For more information about the financial support for businesses, visit

The following planning applications in or close to the Bottisham ward have been published by East Cambridgeshire District Council

Reference: 20/00557/ESF          


Site North Of Hightown Drove Burwell Cambridgeshire


Proposal:           Proposed Development of a Solar Farm and Ancillary Development

Reference: 20/00520/VAR        


J J Haynes & Sons Road Haulage Depot Adjacent To 1 Longmeadow Lode

Proposal:           To vary Condition 1 (approved plans) of previously approved 18/01074/FUL for New Industrial Unit, same style as existing

Reference: 20/00556/FUL         

Swaffham Prior

8 Tothill Road Swaffham Prior Cambridge CB25 0JX

Proposal:           Proposed extension and alterations to existing bungalow

Covid-19 and getting help if you’re ‘shielding’

The NHS has identified groups of people considered to be at extremely high risk of severe illness if they catch coronavirus, and who therefore need to strictly follow ‘shielding’ measures.

Either the NHS or the County Council’s Co-ordination Hub have contacted the majority of those identified on the ‘shielding’ list to check what support they need to do this.

But there are still around 3,500 people in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough who haven’t responded fully to either phone or written contact – although there has been some contact with them.

If you are one of these, do remember you can contact the County Council’s Co-ordination Hub online here.